giovedì 23 dicembre 2021

Women in Literature - Advent calendar

Hi everyone!
Ludovica Daffini, a student of IIS L. Gigli, has created a virtual advent calendar about 'Women in Literature'. You can have a look at it through this link:
Let us know what you think about it. We wish you a merry Christmas! Bye! 🎅🤶😄

sabato 11 dicembre 2021

Our second mobility in Bulgaria!

 Hi everyone! 😁

Today we want to share with you an article of our school magazine "Giornalino Gigli" about our experience in Bulgaria. 

You can read it through this link: Enjoy your reading!

martedì 30 novembre 2021

Second Mobility: Bulgaria

Hi everyone! 

Here's the presentation of our second mobility held in Bulgaria made up by the students of IIS L. Gigli who took part in it. 

We hope you enjoy it!

martedì 15 giugno 2021

Common work

Dissemination Day

 Before our project ends,we  took part in a local event that all the local authorities and local  people were invited  and  organised an exhibition.During the  exhibition,we handed out our booklets and t shirts and informed local people about our project.

The Webinar on ICT "Land of Vocational Education"

We have aranged a webinar on Ict,Robotic Coding.We focus on the importance of ICT,STEM and Robotic Coding and integrating them into lessons.Moreover,students especially girls should be motivated and new teaching methods should be used for lessons.

domenica 23 maggio 2021

Virtual room of the project

 Hi everyone! We have created the virtual room of our project 'Gis-gender Inequality in Schools'. Check it out though this link: artsteps | GIS virtual room


If you prefer, you can watch the video of the virtual exhibition here👇

lunedì 26 aprile 2021

Hi our friend, Giota👼🏻❤️

 Hi everyone. We made a video to remember our friend, Giota. We share it with you to relieve some moments spent with her, who will always remain in our hearts.

We felt so emotioned making it... Hi Giota!❤️ 

martedì 23 febbraio 2021

Some web2 tools-Students' video Guess who is he?

Some web2 tools-Students' video Guess who is she? She went to Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize in December 1911. In her speech here, she stated that she did not underestimate her husband's help, and announced that the hypothesis that radioactivity is a property of the atom was her own work.

No matter whether male or female, everyone can cook. How to make apple pie? (by Yusuf)

dissemination activity

Erasmus days online meeting


Erasmus days at school

Erasmus days at school

Erasmus days at school

Erasmusdays at school

erasmusdays news

teachers' meeting

storyjumper with spain team

our esafety label news

EU projects in coordination with the Presidency of the European Union carried out with the participation of our institution conducts Common Future Digital Communications Campaign to promote the achievements of Turkey and EU cooperation. Our Project Poster


Safer Internet Day 9th February 2021

Safer Internet Day 9th February 2021 We had online meetings with teachers, parents and students about safer internet and Digital security. safer ınternet news

mercoledì 17 febbraio 2021


 Hi everyone! How are you?😊

Today we want to share with you some photos and articles about Safer Internet Day (9th of February 2021) at our school IIS L. Gigli Rovato. ✌🏻👋🏻

mercoledì 27 gennaio 2021